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My books are written TO Christians - FOR Christians. Each book uses the Bible's wisdom and truths to address current issues of the 21st Century Church.  It is my desire to bring clarity about subjects that sometimes seem confusing.                                                                          Gregory B. Grinstead

Book Cover God's Help for Parents
God's Help for Parents with Adult Children
Hope & Healing for Extended Family Relationships


You can have a better relationship with your adult child. There are many books that help parents learn to be better parents of infants, minor children and teens. This book addresses how to be a better parent to your adult child.


Whether your child is twenty or your 40 year old daughter no longer talks to you, this book gives Bible answers to complicated inter-generational relationships. 


This book has practical answers from a Christian perspective, but many of the answers are common sense approaches to the struggle that everyone sometimes experiences. 

Book Cover Honoring Your Parents
The Hidden Promise
Honoring Your Parents


How does an adult honor their parents. The author uses real-life stories to define and clarify what it means to honor your parents.


Even with strained and broken relationships, every Christian can understand and do three specific things to obey God’s 5th Commandment and honor their father and their mother.


If you know someone who has a broken relationship with their parents, this book will help begin the process of healing. 

Living in the Blessings of Christian Unity 

This book is a practical guide on how to maintain Correct Unity when you disagree
with your Christian brother. We CAN live in peace and love when confronted with divisions
over doctrines and church practices.

If you know a Christian who is Disillusioned, Discouraged or Divided from the Church, this
book will help you help them.

book cover Is God a Capitalist?
Is God A Capitalist? 
God's Perspective on Governments & Economic Systems


This book is an easy to read explanation of why Free Markets are the only moral system of finance. In just 12 chapters, it has given Christians a Biblical foundation for conservatism.

It uses the Bible's Morality as a foundation and expands with current facts to prove that the Bible's principles work in real-life politics, today.

If you have ever wondered, if God specifically says what His choice for government and finance is, this book uses God's own words to answer the question.​

Escaping The Chaos
Reuniting The States


This is my first fiction book. I was tired of seeing Christians portrayed as the bad guys.

So, I wrote a story about Christians helping the Republic in a time of division.


The Old United States has broken into four separate Administrative States. The 1st Quarter has voted to organize as Socialists. The 4th Quarter has fallen into anarchy. It is up to those in the Middle of the Nation to Reunite the States.


Although entertaining, Escaping the Chaos also tells the story of how men who believe in Christian values help our Nation remain free and bring order to a confused populous.

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