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Don’t Get Discouraged When the Brook Cherith Dries Up

Writer's picture: gregory b grinsteadgregory b grinstead

Updated: Nov 7, 2018

The direction of God came to Elijah after he prophesied judgment on Israel in I Kings 17:3-5:

“Go away from here and turn eastward, and hide yourself by the brook Cherith, which is east of the Jordan.

verse 4 - It shall be that you will drink of the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to provide for you there.”

verse 5 - So he went and did according to the word of the LORD, for he went and lived by the brook Cherith…

verse 6 - The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he would drink from the brook.

verse 7 - It happened after a while that the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.

God’s Word directed Elijah to a place of safety and miraculous provision. Then negative circumstances from natural events confront Elijah. We do not know how long the process of the brook drying up took. We do not know how many hours or days that Elijah sat there next to a dried-up brook, with only his faith in a good God; a God that would not leave him there but would provide. Because verse 8 comes IMMEDIATELY after verse 7 we may miss the “then” of verse 8.

verse 8 - THEN the word of the LORD came to him, saying, “Arise, go to Zarephath, which belongs to Sidon, and stay there; behold, I have commanded a widow there to provide for you.”

It is between verse 7 and verse 8 that we have our problems. We have been blessed and then everything changes.

It is between verse 7 and 8 that our faith is tested.

It is between verse 7 and 8 that we begin to process that God has something new. We cling to His kindness and goodness as we see the negative circumstances. We may come to see that the circumstance of the Brook Cherith dying up is actually a good thing.

Our place of uncomfortable circumstances helps us become ready to push forward toward the new things God has. God’s kindness makes us uncomfortable. He is doing more than just leading us and protecting us. He is teaching us to walk with Him. He is teaching us His ways. He is showing us His Heart.

The first few “Brook Cherith” events of our lives can be quite trying. “Did we hear God right?” “We rebuke that spirit of drought that has dried up our miracle brook…;” “What is God doing?” “Why has He forgotten us?” “Have we done something that has caused a halt to His blessings?”

Viewing God’s treatment of Elijah can teach us about His desire to share our lives with us.

When we learn the Brook Cherith principle, we walk through our life confronting natural and supernatural negative circumstances with our hand firmly grasping God’s unseen hand. Our heart is strengthened in the truth.

1. God is good.

2. God is kind

3. God’s goodness and kindness does not isolate us from natural and supernatural barrenness and poverty.

4. God’s kindness allows circumstances to force us into His new paths.

5. God’s heart desires to share our lives so much, He sometimes takes away our comfort to motivate us.

If you are stuck between verse 7 and 8 -

Keep listening with enduring trust in God’s good plans for you.

Keep seeking His direction while learning His kind and good intentions toward you.

Know that sure direction will come in God’s perfect timing.

Finally learn God’s ways as you share your heart with Him. He is interested in how you feel.


Zone 7 Books - 2023

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